S-I Joint Dysfunction
Cornerloc™ Procedure.
The CornerLoc™ system is intended for sacroiliac joint fusion for conditions such as Degenerative Sacroiliitis and Sacroiliac Joint Disruptions. The procedure allows for fusion and stabilization of the SI joint in eligible patients where appropriate non-surgical treatment has failed and may provide immediate relief of pain symptoms.
Dr. Vodapally is one of the Interventional Pain Management Specialists in the state of Connecticut trained to perform this procedure.
Linq™ Procedure.
The LinQ™ SI Joint Stabilization System is intended for sacroiliac joint fusion for conditions such as Degenerative Sacroiliitis and Sacroiliac Joint Disruptions. The procedure allows for fusion and stabilization of the SI joint in eligible patients where appropriate non-surgical treatment has failed and may provide immediate relief of pain symptoms.
The LinQ™ SI Joint Stabilization System provides SI joint dysfunction patients with a safe, minimally invasive solution to combat pain. After a thorough diagnostic process, physicians can help alleviate, and in many cases eliminate, chronic pain by placing a single LinQ™ allograft into the SI Joint. This single implant helps patients immediately regain joint stability – and with its large graft window, the LinQ™ SI Joint Stabilization System helps create an ideal environment for long-term fusion.
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